The pupils of local prep school Cheam School, near Newbury, have recently embarked on their own Eco-Schools project, to drive change and improve environmental awareness in their school, local community and beyond. To inspire them in the early stages of their project, they asked Winchester College for a motivational speaker who could talk knowledgeably about sustainability and the empowerment of young voices.
On Tuesday 8 March, Sixth Form pupil Dev Sharma visited Cheam to give a talk and answer questions. Dev is a Youth MP who attended COP26 and is a committed advocate for environmental action. Dev’s presentation was stimulating and inspiring and he fielded questions such as ‘Will Putin be invited to COP27?’ and ‘Should an Eco-School save electricity by scrapping Saturday school?’ with aplomb.
We wish Cheam success as their project progresses, and hope they will achieve their Green Flag accreditation, which recognises, rewards and celebrates the environmental achievements of young people.